Gospodarka i Innowacje. https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32 <p>International Journal of Economy and Innovation is a <strong>peer-reviewed publication</strong> devoted to research in all perspectives of innovation management and economics, including organizational, regional and country-level development and advancement from multidisciplinary fields of research. International Journal of Economics and Innovation is a free of charge, double-blind and peer-reviewed biannually academic journal that publishes original scientific works in the fields of Economics, Business Management, Finance, Econometrics, Labor Economics, Public Administration, and International Relations in English and in Turkish. Authors are not asked any fee for their submissions. The journal publishes original research which would be of advantage to academics and practitioners. The main focus of this journal is the identification and classifications of innovative solutions for enhancing and improving economic development and advancement on all levels. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development includes all the essential matters in its field comprising: innovation management; process, product and service innovations, green innovation, technological, organizational and marketing innovations, creativity, entrepreneurship, knowledge and technology transfers, knowledge administration, social innovations, innovation systems and systems, open innovation systems, intellectual property, technology adoption and strategy, technological and scientific advancement, knowledge economy, innovation economy, innovation policy, regional expansion, national innovation systems, international and global trade, international economics, financial economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, sustainable advancement, and economic maturity and growth.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Laboratorium Wiedzy Artur Borcuch. en-US Gospodarka i Innowacje. 2545-0573 BOSHLANG’ICH SINF O’QUVCHILARIDA TANQIDIY FIKRLASHNI SHAKLLANTIRISH https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2441 <p>O’quvchilarni tanqidiy fikrlashga o’rgatish bolaning muvaffaqiyatlarga erishishidagi asosiy omil bo’lib, tanqidiy fikrlashni shakllantirishda yangi pedagogik texnologiyalar va didaktik o’yinlardan dars davomida oqilona xamda bolaning yosh, individual xususiyatlariga e’tibor bergan holda foydalanish kerak.</p> Bobojanov Mahkam Shixnazar Otaboyev Raximbayev Jo’rabek Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-03 2024-04-03 46 1 2 IMOMQULIXON HUKMRONLIGI DAVRIDA BUXORO-HINDISTON SIYOSIY ALOQALARI (1611–1642) https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2442 <p>Mazkur maqolada Buxoro xoni ashtarxoniy Imomqulixon va <br>Boburiylar sulolasi hukmdorlari Jahongirshoh va Shoh <br>Jahon o‘rtasidagi diplomatik munosabar manbalar va ilmiy <br>adabiyolar asosida o‘rganilgan.</p> Umidjon Baqoyev Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-03 2024-04-03 46 3 7 ORGANIZING OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING PROCESS https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2444 <p>In the field of education, it is important to develop foreign language skills based on effective methods, techniques and practices. The thesis emphasizes that the main task of the educational process is to draw the student's attention to science; in order to achieve the desired result, the teacher must constantly work on himself, as well as enrich and improve the existing teaching experience.</p> Niyazova N. N Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-03 2024-04-03 46 8 10 INGLIZ VA O`ZBEK TILLARI ANTROPONIMLARNING LISONIY TAHLILI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2445 <p>Ushbu maqolada antroponimlarni o‘rganishning motivatsion jihati <br>jahon tilshunosligida xususan, ingliz va o`zbek tillari <br>antroponimiyasining maxsus lingvistik quyi tizim sifatida <br>rivojlanish va faoliyat ko‘rsatish qonuniyatlarini ochib berishi <br>bilan bog‘liq va antroponimlarning motivatsiyasi sohasidagi <br>taqqoslangan tillar o'rtasidagi chuqur tarkibiy farqlarni ochib <br>beradi. Ingliz va o`zbek antroponimlarining yo'qolib ketish <br>sabablarini tushunish uchun ingliz,o'zbek tillarining antroponimik <br>sotsial-semantik tahlili haqida ma'lumot berilgan va muayyan <br>motivlarning paydo bo'lishi tadqiq etilgan.Ingliz va o'zbek <br>tillaridagi antroponimlarning o‘ziga xos motivlari aniqlangan va <br>o'rganilayotgan tillarning antroponimlarining sotsial-semantik <br>tahlili ko'rib chiqilgan.</p> Mamajonov Muhammadjon Yusubjonovich , Nigmatova Nozimaxon Ulug`bek qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-04 2024-04-04 46 11 14 IMPORTANCE OF SMART TOURISM IN IMPROVING TOURISM MANAGEMENT IN UZBEKISTAN https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2447 <p>This scientific in the article smart technologies in Uzbekistan smart tourism development and for that matter take going to work about scientific news learned, thought and considerations given.</p> Najmiddinov Sulton Valiyev Hasan Sunnatillo son Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-04 2024-04-04 46 15 19 IMPROVEMENT OF ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF OUTSOURCING SERVICES BY THE METHOD OF “AMUI” MODEL https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2448 <p>In this article, the evaluation of the quality of use of outsourcing services in preschool educational organizations using the “AMUI” model method , including goals and tasks of outsourcing services, selection of the outsourcing service market by the client, scientifically based suggestions and recommendations on outsourcing contract conclusion and management processes.</p> Nasiba Ergasheva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 20 27 AN ANALYSIS OF RISK, EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF THE USE OF OUTSOURCING SERVICES IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2449 <p>This article presents an analysis of the risk, efficiency and quality of use in preschool educational organizations, including the goals and objectives of outsourcing services, the selection of the outsourcing service market by the client, and scientifically based suggestions and recommendations on the processes of outsourcing contract conclusion and management.</p> Nasiba Ergasheva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 28 35 THE ROLE OF BEEKEEPING IN AGRICULTURE AND THE HISTORY OF THE INDUSTRY https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2450 <p>this article describes the beekeeping industry, its history and role in agriculture. The article also develops technologies for producing honey, which is the main product of beekeeping, and provides suggestions and recommendations. The state policy on the development of beekeeping in the Republic of Uzbekistan was also studied in detail.</p> Farmanov Jonibek Ziyadullayevich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 36 41 SUPPORTING FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TO FACILITATE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE BEEKEEPING INDUSTRY https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2451 <p>The article describes the organizational and economic levers for promoting the transformation of digital technologies in the beekeeping industry. Proposals for subsidizing the implementation of digital technologies in the network are described. Also, in order to support structures that finance the implementation of digital technologies, the organization of the “Technological transfer in beekeeping” fund and the sources of its financing are disclosed.</p> Farmanov Jonibek Ziyadullayevich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 42 48 РАЗДЕЛЕНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМ УЧЕТА ТОВАРНО-МАТЕРИАЛЬНЫХ ЗАПАСОВ В ЦИФРОВОЙ ЭКОНОМИКЕ https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2452 <p>Учёт в бухгалтерии - это процесс регистрации, проверки, обобщения, классификации, отбора и передачи финансовой информации организации, позволяющий пользователям такой информации выносить обоснованные суждения и решения. Однако учёт не всегда является простым процессом, поэтому могут возникнуть различные проблемы. Крайне важно, четкое разделение надлежащей классификации различных проблем бухгалтерского учета и обеспечение их решения. На самом высоком уровне проблемы бухгалтерского учета можно разделить на проблемы, связанные с активами, обязательствами, собственным капиталом, доходами и расходами. Активы представляют собой ресурсы, принадлежащие предприятию, которые, как ожидается, принесут будущие экономические выгоды. Проблемы могут возникнуть при идентификации, оценке и учете активов. В этой статье будет рассмотрено значение учета товарно-материальных запасов.</p> Алимханова Нигора Алимхановна Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 49 54 THE ROLE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF SMALL BUSINESSES https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2453 <p>This article describes the criteria that determine the status of small business entities, the protection of economic and legal relations of small businesses and business entities in Uzbekistan on the basis of laws, and the preferential procedures created for them. The importance of making is explained on the basis of statistical data. Conclusions and suggestions on the advantages of lending to small businesses and business entities are also presented.</p> Azimova Khulkar Egamberdievna Shokulova Zahro Oybek's daughter Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 55 60 LENDING PRACTICE OF NON-BANK CREDIT ORGANIZATIONS https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2454 <p>This article describes non-bank credit organizations, analyzes the growth dynamics of non-bank credit organizations in 2018-2022, provides information on the assets of non-bank credit organizations and their lending practice, liabilities and capital. Conclusions and proposals for improvement of non-bank financial and credit organizations are also included.</p> Azimova Khulkar Egamberdievna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 61 67 IMPORTANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE ECONOMY https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2455 <p>This is the importance of commercial banks in the economy is described in the article and analyzed based on statistical data. The strategy for the reform of the banking system in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2025 includes priority issues and information about the increase in the number of customers as a result of offering high-quality banking services to the population of commercial banks. Also, the article provides statistical data on the amount of loans allocated in 2023 and active credit policy planned in 2024 at "Milliy Bank" JSC, as well as summaries and suggestions on further improvement of the importance of commercial banks in the economy.</p> Azimova Khulkar Egamberdievna Shokulova Zahro Oybek's daughter Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 68 73 PECULIARITIES OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE INSURANCE INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE MARKET OF UZBEKISTAN https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2456 <p>Insurance is an important economic pillar of the transition to a market economy as one of the necessary elements of production. The study of methods of its organization and development on a large scale in the same insurance market, including the organization of the activities of professional participants who effectively participate in it, demonstrates the relevance of the topic of the article. In addition, the article is aimed at studying the current state of the infrastructure of the insurance market in Uzbekistan at the current stage of development, the development of scientific and practical proposals for its development based on the analysis.</p> Khasanova Yulduz Murtazayevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 74 78 CHARACTERISTICS OF CREDIT MECHANISM OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2457 <p>In this research paper describes the world finance market to the concept methodical approach this the concept one from the side comment possible that it was not due to a lot should be based on an understanding of dimensionality. Even the most basic concept one how many factors in the market surface coming of relationships economic essence, in it rotary finance assets, in the market deals done increasing entities, also their world in the economy reject the importance.</p> Khasanova Yulduz Murtazayevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 79 84 THE IMPACT OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ON ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2458 <p>This article delves into the significant impact of international standards on accounting and auditing practices worldwide. It discusses how these standards facilitate global harmonization, leading to consistency and comparability in financial reporting across different jurisdictions. The article also explores the enhancements in financial reporting quality and transparency brought about by these standards, highlighting their importance in regulatory compliance and the promotion of global best practices. Furthermore, it addresses the professional development necessitated by these standards and the challenges organizations face in their implementation, including the associated costs and the need for adaptation to global norms.</p> Butunov Shaymardon Berdiyarovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 85 90 THE ROLE OF ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING IN ENSURING FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2459 <p>The article discusses the critical roles of accounting and auditing in enhancing financial transparency within organizations. It outlines how accounting contributes to transparency through systematic record keeping, financial reporting, compliance with regulations, and effective budgeting and planning. Furthermore, the article highlights the role of auditing in providing independent verification of financial statements, assessing financial risks, ensuring regulatory compliance, and boosting stakeholder confidence. Together, accounting and auditing establish a framework that promotes accuracy, accountability, and trust in financial reporting, which is vital for informed decision-making and maintaining a healthy economic environment.</p> Butunov Shaymardon Berdiyarovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 91 98 ВОПРОСЫ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ НАЛОГОВОЙ ПРОВЕРКИ В НАЛОГОВОЙ СИСТЕМЕ https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2460 <p>В данной научной статье представлен анализ налогового контроля, включая предоставление информации и налоговый аудит в бухгалтерском учете при проведении налоговых проверок.</p> Джалилов Р. Х. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 99 106 ПРОБЛЕМЫ УЧЕТА НАЛОГА НА ДОБАВЛЕННУЮ СТОИМОСТЬ В ЦИФРОВОЙ ЭКОНОМИКЕ https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2461 <p>В данной статье в условиях цифровой экономики в налоговой системе исследуется влияние политики, реализуемой в налоговой сфере, на механизмы учета налога на добавленную стоимость.</p> Джалилов Рахмонкул Хамидович Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 46 107 113 ПРОБЛЕМЫ УЧЕТА НАЛОГОВОЙ ЛЬГОТЫ https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2462 <p>В данной научной статье представлены проблемы учета налоговых кредитов и их решение. Необходимость включения в план счетов обусловлена неправомерным использованием налоговых льгот.</p> Джалилов Р. Х Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-07 2024-04-07 46 114 121 IMPROVING THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2463 <p>In international accounting practice, various forms of the statement of financial position (balance sheet) are used. One of the major challenges facing accounting is preparing financial reporting information in a way that meets the needs of users, is concise and understandable to everyone, based on international standards.</p> Ravshanov A. B Akhmedov E. P. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-07 2024-04-07 46 122 130 ISSUES OF ASSESSING THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF AN ENTERPRISE https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2464 <p>In modern conditions of free economic competition, it is important to identify weak and problematic areas of production. It is necessary to promptly identify emerging and expected problems and eliminate them. Conducting financial analysis to determine information that management can rely on is the need of the hour.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ravshanov A. B Akhmedov E. P Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-07 2024-04-07 46 131 139 SOCIO-ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE EFFECTIVE USE OF PASTURE LAND IN OUR COUNTRY https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2465 <p>This article provides information on the socio-economic importance and current state of the effective use of pasture land in our country today.</p> Kudratov E. Sh. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-07 2024-04-07 46 140 144 CORPORATE ECONOMICS AND INVESTMENTS https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2466 <p>Corporate finance and investment are important components of the financial world and play an important role in shaping the global economic landscape. Understanding how corporations operate within the economy and make investment decisions is critical for investors, businesses, and policy makers.</p> Otabek Abdullayevich Eshquvvatov Boynazarova Tursunoy Ilkhamovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-07 2024-04-07 46 145 148 TASVIRIY SAN’ATDA RANGTASVIRNING O’RNI VA AHAMIYATI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2468 <p>Ushbu maqola tasviriy san’atning bir turi bo’lgan rangtasvir to’g’risida keng fikr mulohazalar yuritadi hamda rangtasvirning tasviriy san’atda tutgan o’rni, maqsad vazifasi, turlari va ushbu san’atda samarali ijod qilayotgan rassomlar tog’risida keng ma’lumotlar bayon etadi.</p> Qambarova Nasibaxon Ma’rufjon qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-03 2024-04-03 46 149 154 DIGITAL AND INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RETAIL SERVICES MARKET https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2469 <p>The article discusses measures for the innovative <br>development of the retail services market in the republic and <br>a comprehensive solution to the problem of their socio<br>economic development.</p> KURBANOVA RAKHIMA JAMSHEDOVNA , NASERDINOV FERUZJON , UMIRZOKOVA SEVINCH KARIM KIZI Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-03 2024-04-03 46 155 170 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: A CRITICAL FRAMEWORK TO FOSTER TRUST, TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY, FAIRNESS, AND STAKEHOLDER PROTECTION https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2470 <p>Corporate governance is a vital framework that governs the <br>direction and control of a company, influencing its success, <br>sustainability, and reputation. This paper explores the pillars <br>of <br>effective corporate governance, emphasizing the <br>significance of transparency, accountability, fairness, and <br>stakeholder protection. It delves into the multifaceted nature <br>of corporate governance, outlining its role in decision<br>making, risk management, ethical behavior, and long-term <br>value creation. The study underscores how strong <br>governance structures contribute to financial performance, <br>stakeholder trust, and adaptability in the face of challenges. <br>Additionally, it emphasizes the critical role of accountability, <br>transparency, and a well-functioning board of directors in <br>fostering a positive corporate culture and maintaining <br>stakeholder confidence. The paper concludes by highlighting <br>the interconnected nature of accountability and transparency <br>as fundamental principles in effective corporate governance, <br>crucial for building trust and ensuring long-term <br>organizational success.</p> TURSUNOV FARHOD UMIRZAKOVICH Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-04 2024-04-04 46 171 180 ANALYSIS OF INSURANCE ORGANIZATIONS BY INSURANCE CLASSES https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2471 <p>In the article, collected insurance premiums of insurance <br>organizations operating in Uzbekistan, insurance premiums <br>paid by insurance organizations, and insurance obtained by <br>concluding insurance contracts analysis of obligations by <br>insurance classes, increasing the competitiveness of <br>organizations engaged in insurance activities, as well as in <br>Uzbekistan insurance activities improvement ways seeing <br>will be released.</p> KILICHOV BOBIR KHUJAKUL UGLI Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-04 2024-04-04 46 181 197 THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM RESOURCE SAVING https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2472 <p>The article considers the concept of "resource conservation" <br>based on the works of domestic economists. The forms of <br>manifestation of "resource saving" are determined, the main <br>approaches to determining the economic essence of this <br>category are identified, the multidimensionality of "resource <br>saving" is indicated, and the author's concept is formulated.</p> RAKHMATOV B.B. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-04 2024-04-04 46 198 209 INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2473 <p>Today, tourism is one of the promising industries that brings <br>high income to the national economy. Effective strategies for <br>the development of hotels operating in the service sector, the <br>development of long-term strategies in hotels, a serious <br>approach to the process of determining goals, capabilities <br>and resources, as well as ways to improve management <br>efficiency are shown.</p> NIYATOV NAVRUZBEK ZARIFOVICH Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 46 210 220 THE ESSENCE OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT AND ITS ORGANIZATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF ECONOMIC MODERNIZATION https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2474 <p>The article examines important issues such as the influence <br>of the macro and microeconomic environment in the <br>management of enterprises in the context of modernization <br>of the economy, factors affecting employees, the principles of <br>organizing a modern enterprise, the main directions of the <br>organization of enterprises in modernization, the essence of <br>the concept of an enterprise.</p> TANGIROV ABDUKHOLIK EGAMOVICH Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 46 221 230 TYPES OF ACTIVITIES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2475 <p>Human resources (HRM) departments are one of the <br>important areas of the company's activities. <br>They manage <br>everything from new recruitment documents to employee <br>complaints and management control. While the personnel <br>department is responsible for a wide range of tasks, the main <br>task is to manage the "staff" side of the business. Almost <br>every industry requires HRM professionals. However, few <br>people outside the human resources management field <br>understand or appreciate how important these roles are for <br>the success of a company.</p> ABDUVOHIDOVA GULSHAN AKMALOVNA Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 46 231 238 Using Government Securities as a Source of Financing the State Budget Deficit – A Case Study of Uzbekistan https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2476 <p><em>This study aims to find out the sources of financing the general budget deficit in the economy of Uzbekistan, and it is noted that the use of state securities, which is considered the most effective method of financing, has a number of positive aspects. In addition, the contribution of each financing source to covering the total budget deficit was studied by calculating the percentage. The study also included an analysis of the budget deficit within the local budget. Along with the historical method, descriptive analytical method was also used in the research. The results of the analysis showed that the Republic of Uzbekistan mainly relied on financing from external sources to cover the state budget deficit. The average contribution of external financing sources to cover the general budget deficit was more than 50 percent in the period under study, and the contribution of domestic financing sources was 20-30 percent in the same period, and this indicator reflected a small percentage compared to financing through external sources. Thus, the research recommends less use of external sources of financing the budget deficit and use of government securities as a source of non-inflationary financing to cover the deficit. The study also recommends rationalizing government spending and improving government revenues to curb the growing budget deficit.</em></p> Jahangir Zaynalov Olimjon Fattoev Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-07 2024-04-07 46 239+246 239+246 RESPUBLIKADA XIZMATLAR SIFATI VA RAQOBATBARDOSHLIGINI OSHIRISH ORQALI XIZMATLAR EKSPORTINI RIVOJLANTIRISH ISTIQBOLLARI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2478 <p>Ushbu maqolada Ichki bоzоrlarimizda xizmatlar sifati va raqobatbardoshligini oshirish orqali xizmatlar eksportini rivojlantirish istiqbollari uchun shаrоit yаrаtib bеrdi. Ushbu хizmаt turlаrigа хаridоrlаrgа sоtishdаn kеyingi хizmаt ko‘rsаtish, bеpul mа‘lumоt bеrish, mаishiy texnika vа mаshinаlаrgа sotishdan oldin va sotishdan keyin bepul tехnik tа‘mirlаsh vа tехnik хizmаt ko‘rsаtish kаbilаr kirаdi. Oxirgi yillarda ko‘pchilik rivojlangan mamlakatlarda xizmatlar ishlab chiqarilishining oshishi, xizmatlarning sifati yaxshilanishi, xizmatlarning xalqaro savdoda rivojlanishi va ushbu sohada aholining bandligi oshib borayotganini kuzatishimiz mumkin.</p> Ikromov Elyor Ibodulloyevich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-10 2024-04-10 46 247 251 NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR THE SUCCESSFUL OPERATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2479 <p>The article examines the state and prospects of entrepreneurial entities in Uzbekistan and identifies the main reasons that hinder the acceleration of the development of enterprises; the contribution to the development of the economy and the effective use of potential in the republic.</p> Ishonkulova Feruza Asatovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-10 2024-04-10 46 252 257 O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI IQTISODIYOTINI RIVOJLANISHDA INVESTITSIYALARNING O‘RNI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2480 <p>Ushbu maqolada iqtisodiyotni yanada rivojlantirishda investitsiyalarning muhimligi va ularning dolzarbligi to’g’risida fikr yuritilgan. Shuningdek bu borada tegishli xulosa va takliflar berilgan.</p> Sodiqova Nigora To’rayevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-10 2024-04-10 46 258 264 THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN MANAGEMENT TRAINING https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2481 <p>The article presents opinions about the modern leader and modern approaches to the implementation of leadership-specific management styles. The content and essence of the article is determined by the personality of a modern leader and the requirements set for him, the directions of management activities.</p> Rakhmonkulova Nafisa Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-10 2024-04-10 46 265 269 XODIMLARNI BOSHQARISHDA KPI SAMARADORLIGI TAHLILI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2482 <p>Xodimlarni boshqarishda KPI samaradorligining oshirilishi xususida ushbu maqolada misollar berilgan. O’zbekiston iqtisodiyotida KPI ni rivojlantirish, KPI sohasining taraqqiyoti xususida mulohazalar berilgan. Iqtisodiy islohatlar negizida shakllangan KPI tarmoqlar yig’indisi kadrlarning jamiyatdagi roli, o’rni va vazifasini belgilab berish uchun zamin yaratadi.</p> Toshov Mirzabek Hakimovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-10 2024-04-10 46 270 273 TADBIRKORLIK SUBYEKTLARI FAOLIYATIDA RAQAMLI MARKETINGNING O’RNI VA AHAMIYATI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2483 <p>Maqolada raqamli marketing tadqiqotlarining mamlakatimiz tadbirkorlik subyektlarini rivojlantirishdagi o‘rni va ahamiyati ochib berilgan. Shuningdek, maqolada raqamli marketing tadqiqotlarini o‘tkazish muammolariga muallifning yondashuvlari va xorijlik olimlarning ilmiy ishlarini o‘rganish asosida ularning yechimlari keltirilgan.</p> Qodirova Nozima Rasulovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-13 2024-04-13 46 274 278 ҚОРАҚАЛПОҒИСТОН РЕСПУБЛИКАСИ ИНФРАТУЗИЛМАСИ ИЖТИМОИЙ ХИЗМАТЛАРИ ТИЗИМИ РИВОЖЛАНИШ ЖАРАЁНЛАРИ ВА ДАРАЖАЛАРИ https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2484 <p>Мақолада Қорақалпоғистон Республикаси ижтимоий инфратузилмаси таркибий мажмуалари ўртача йиллик инвестициялар ҳажми, ўсиш суръатларининг ҳудудлар кесимида юқори, ўрта ва паст даражаларда гуруҳланди ва ҳудуд инфратузилмаси ижтимоий хизматлари тизими ривожланиш жараёнлари ва даражалари аниқланди.</p> Алланиязов Бахадир Уббиниязович Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-15 2024-04-15 46 279 286 MUSTAQILLIK YILLARIDA TOMORQA XO’JALIGINING RIVOJLANISHI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2485 <p>Maqolada istiqlol yillarida shaxsiy tomorqa xo‘jaliklarining <br>soni va ko’lami yildan-yilga o’sib borganligi, buning <br>oqibatida qishloq aholisi ish bilan ta’minlanib, qishloq <br>xo‘jalik mahsulotlari yetishtirish ko’payganligi, alal-oqibat <br>mamlakatimiz o‘zini-o‘zi qisman qishloq xo’jaligi va oziq<br>ovqat mahsulotlari bilan ta'minlashga erishganligi haqida <br>so’z boradi. Maqolada shuningdek, tomorqa xo’jaliklari <br>shakli va mazmunining yillar mobaynida o’zgarishi va uning <br>huquqiy-qonunchilik masalalari tadqiq qilingan.</p> Yuldosheva Bibirajab , Donoxon Jo’rayeva , Aslonov Ahmadjon Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 46 287 290 TABIIY RESURS SALOHIYATIDAN SAMARALI FOYDALANISHNI TASHKIL ETISHNING ZAMONAVIY MASALALARI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2486 <p>Maqolada tabiiy resurslardan foydalanishni tashkil etishning<br>zamonaviy masalalari tadqiq etilgan. O’zbekistonda iqlim, <br>yer-suv, mineral resurslardan foydalanishda yuzaga kelgan <br>vaziyat va uning echimlari to’g’risida fikr yuritiladi.</p> O. Safarov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 46 291 297 Opportunities For Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Between Uzbekistan and the United Kingdom https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2487 <p>After leaving the European Union (BREXIT), the UK is <br>reviewing its foreign policy in an effort to adapt to new <br>geopolitical conditions. The main task is to strengthen the <br>country's position on the world stage, establish new trade <br>relations and develop more flexible relations with other <br>states. The UK is actively negotiating trade agreements with <br>various countries and regional blocs.</p> Nasirov Dilshod Farkhodovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 46 298 301 Property Taxes in the System of Taxes and Fees https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2488 <p>This article is devoted to the topic Property taxes in the <br>system of taxes and fees. The article touches on the role <br>and concept of property taxes in the financial side of <br>society and the impact on social processes, as well as the <br>features of tax coverage of budget expenditures of the <br>subjects of the Republic and municipalities.</p> Nozimov Eldor Anvarovich , Qiyomov Orifxon Alisher ugli , Kolupayev Vadim Vyacheslavovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 46 302 307 Tax For Subsoil Use https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2489 <p>The article examines the tax for the use of mineral resources <br>in the context of Uzbekistan, a country with rich natural <br>resources. The introduction of taxes for the use of mineral <br>resources has become an important stage in the economic <br>and political history of the country, affecting the <br>development of its economy and the management of natural <br>resources. Tax rates for various types of activities are <br>discussed, including oil, gas, uranium extraction, as well as <br>the use of forest and water resources. The factors influencing <br>the establishment of tax rates and their role in the economic <br>development of Uzbekistan are highlighted.</p> Nozimov Eldor Anvarovich , Asrorova Taxmina Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 46 308 314 ПРИНЦИПЫ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ В ДИЗАЙНЕ ИНТЕРЬЕРОВ https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2490 <p>В настоящее время вопросы устойчивого развития и <br>экологичности стали актуальными во многих сферах <br>человеческой деятельности, в том числе и в дизайне <br>интерьеров. В этой статье исследуется интеграция <br>принципов устойчивого развития в дизайн интерьера с <br>упором на выбор материалов, энергоэффективность и <br>воздействие на окружающую среду. В ней обсуждаются <br>стратегии создания экологически чистых внутренних <br>пространств и потенциальная выгода как для <br>окружающей среды, так и для благополучия человека. <br>Исследование подчеркивает важность устойчивого <br>развития в дизайне интерьера и его роль в продвижении <br>более <br>экологичной и социально ответственной <br>искусственной среды.</p> Абдуллаева Фируза Тимуровна Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 46 315 319 IQTISODIYOTDA SUN`IY INTELLEKTDAN FOYDALANISH ZARURIYATI VA ISTIQBOLLARI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2491 <p>Mazkur tezisda mamlakatimizning turli xo`jaliklarida, jumladan iqtisodiyot sohasida sun`iy intellektdan foydalanish mexanizmlari, ushbu vositaning mohiyati hamda istiqbollari muhokama etiladi.</p> Jumayeva Zamira Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-17 2024-04-17 46 320 325 XIZMAT KO‘RSATISH KORXONALARIDA IQTISODIY RESURSLARDAN FOYDALANISH SAMARADORLIGINI BAHOLASH MEZONLARI VA KO‘RSATKICHLARI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2492 <p>ushbu maqolada xizmat ko’rsatish korxonalarida iqtisodiy resurslardan foydalanish samaradorligini baholash mezonlari tahlil qilingan va bu bo’yicha kerakli ko’rsatkichlar keltirilib o’tilgan. Shuningdek bu borada tegishli xulosa va takliflar berilgan.</p> Naimova Nargiza Akbarovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-17 2024-04-17 46 326 335 “PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT” AND “HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT”: HISTORY OF ORIGIN, ESSENCE AND RELATIONSHIP OF CONCEPTS https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2493 <p>The terms “personnel management” and “human resource management” are often used interchangeably. However, supporters of this statement believe that in different contexts they may differ in subtleties, or these terms consider different stages of development of an approach to human management in an organization.</p> Alimova Shamsiya Abidovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-17 2024-04-17 46 336 343 THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF REGULATION OF COMMERCIAL BANKS https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2494 <p>the article discusses the theoretical basis for regulating the activities of commercial banks in the financial system. An analysis of the role of commercial banks in the economy, tasks and significant aspects of the financial system from the point of view of researchers is given. In addition, the regulatory mechanisms used by the government to ensure financial stability and protect the interests of depositors are discussed, as well as monetary policy issues related to the activities of commercial banks, such as liquidity and interest rate management.</p> Turobov Sherzod Alisherovich Ibodullayev Zafar Ibodullayevich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 46 344 349 IQTISODIYOTNI MODERNIZATSIYA VA DIVERSIFIKATSIYA QILISH SHAROITIDA BANK TIZIMINING SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISH MASALALARI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2495 <p>Ushbu maqola hozirgi kundagi geosiyosiy vaziyatlarda iqtisodiyotning asosiy bo`g`ini hisoblangan banklarning bardoshliligini ta`minlash, ularning samaradorligini oshirish, shuningdek, banklarning 2023-yilgi moliyaviy barqarorlik ko`rsatkichlari tahliliga asoslangan.</p> Kamoliddinova Go`zal Kamoliddin qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 46 350 356 KICHIK BIZNES VA XUSUSIY TADBIRKORLIKNI RIVOJLANTIRISHNING IJTIMOIY- IQTISODIY AHAMIYATI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2496 <p>Jahonda iqtisodiy taraqqiyotning izchil va barqaror omili sifatida kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlik alohida o‘rin tutadi. Kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlikni rivojlantirish ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy omillar bilan birgalikda bugungi dunyo hamjamiyati oldida turgan asosiy muammolardan biri hisoblanadi.Bugungi kunda mamlakatimizning ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy siyosatida kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlikni rivojlantirishga katta ahamiyat berilmoqda.</p> Xodjayev Anvar Rasulovich Haydarov Jonpoʻlot Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 46 357 360 IQTISODIYOTDA ZAMONAVIY MENEJER BOSHQARUVI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2497 <p>Hozirgi zamon menejerlari ko’p hollarda o’zlari tanlagan texnologiyalarni va bu texnologiyalar bilan ishlovchilarning faoliyatlarini o’rgangan. Yangi texnologiyalar faqat tashvish va ortiqcha vaqtni olishiga qat’iy ishonchda bo’lgan tartibni qabul qilgan va bu tartibdan yangi bir tartibga o’tishni xoxlashmaydi. Bu usul bo’lishi ham to’g’ri mumkin. Lekin ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy sohaning barcha yo’nalishlaridagi ilg’or tajribalar va yangi texnologiyalar menejer yoki tashkilot rahbarining qanchalik ishbilarmonligidan, hohishi-e’tiboridan qat’iy nazar raqobatni keltirib chiqarmoqda.</p> Xasanova Sitora Islamovna Kamolov Karimbek Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 46 361 365 ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF DIGITAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2498 <p>In this article, the current state of the digital economy system in Uzbekistan, further improvement of the digital economy in our country, elimination of existing problems in the digital economy, positive and negative effects of the digital economy system on economic and social life, how convenient the digital economy is for people, new opportunities the necessity of using it, the fact that our country can be among the developed countries, the incomparable role of the digital economy in all fields was emphasized.</p> Shadiyev Alisher Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 46 366 372 RISK-BASED FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS: THEORIES AND CONCEPTS https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2499 <p>This article provides information on risk-based financial instruments. Their theories and concepts are discussed. Relevant conclusions and suggestions are also given.</p> Khalilov Bahromjon Bahodirovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 46 373 378 TIZIMIDA BANK FINANCIAL SERVICE NUMBER: DEVELOPMENT AND OLD TURGAN https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2500 <p>the article examines the impact of the banking system on the socio-economic development of the country and the pressing problems of its assessment, explores the secret of the direct and indirect impact of the banking system.</p> Bazarova Mamlakat Supiyevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 46 379 385 ТАЪЛИМ СТРАТЕГИЯСИНИНГ САМАРАЛИ ТУРЛАРИ https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2501 <p>Ушбу илмий мақолада дунё ва Ўзбекистон Республикасида охирги вақтларда таълимга қаратилган эътибор ва стратегик жараёнлар акс эттирилган. Стратегия, таълим стратегияси, педагогик стратегия атамаларига турли олимлар ва веб-сайт маълумотлари ўрганиб чиқилган. Таълим стратегияси турларининг тавсифи жаҳон тажрибалари мисолида келтирилган. Ўзбекистонда фаолият кўрсатаётган олий таълим муассасалари динамикаси ва статистик кўрсаткичлар таҳлили келтириб ўтилган. Ушбу мақола юқори таъсирли ўқитиш стратегиялари (ЮТЎС - High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)) нима эканлигини тушунтиради ҳамда энг кўп фойда келтирадиган 10 та юқори таъсирли ўқитиш стратегияси тўлиқ ёритилган.</p> Алимов Баходир Батирович Валиева Насиба Хадиятуллаевна Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 46 386 398 YOSHLARNING MA’NAVIY DUNYOQARASHI SHAKLLANISHIDA AJDODLARIMIZ QOLDIRGAN ILMIY ME’ROSNING O‘RNI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2502 <p>Ushbu maqolada O‘zbekiston ilmiy merosining yoshlarning ma’naviy dunyoqarashini shakllantirishdagi muhim o‘rni yoritilgan. Unda ajdodlar qoldirgan intellektual meros zamonaviy o‘zbek jamiyatida yoshlarning qadriyatlari, e’tiqodlari va dunyoqarashiga qanday ta’sir ko‘rsatishi yoritilgan. Maqolada tarixiy, adabiy, falsafiy va madaniy asarlarni o‘rganish orqali ushbu merosning yoshlarda o‘zlikni anglash va madaniy ongni shakllantirishga ta’siri davomiy ta’kidlangan.</p> Toshov Muhiddin Jo‘rabayevich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 46 399 401 O‘QUVCHILARNI ESTETIK TARBIYALASHDA KOGNITIV TEXNOLOGIYALARNING O‘ZIGA XOSLIGI https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2503 <p>Ushbu maqolada o‘quvchi-yoshlarning ma’naviy ongini estetik tarbiyaga xos bilimlar bilan qurollantirib borishda kognitiv texnologiyalardan foydalanish, pedagog olimlarning estetik tarbiya haqidagi qarashlari hamda o‘quvchilarni estetik Tbilimlar yordamida tarbiyalash orqali ularda badiiy voqelikdagi go‘zallikni to‘liq idrok etish, nafosatni his qilish va to‘g‘ri anglash qobiliyati shakllanadi. Shuningdek, maqolada o‘quvchilarda estetik tarbiyani tarkib toptirish uchun moddiy borliq haqidagi tasavvurlarini kengaytirish va ularning kognitiv layoqatlarini rivojlantirib borish lozimligi haqida fikrlar bayon etilgan.</p> Toshov Muhiddin Jo‘rabayevich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 46 402 405 Bioethics - a Modern Direction of Morality https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2504 <p>Most of his works on the problems of bioethics are carried out by philosophy. This state discusses the historical development of bioethics, its application, social role and contemporary problems.</p> Jumaeva Shakhlo Suyunovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 46 406 409 Mahmudhoja Behbudi on the Importance of Learning Languages https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2505 <p>In this article, Mahmudhoja Behbudiy explains the importance of languages ​​in shaping the worldview of young people, as well as the priority of preserving, enriching and enhancing the prestige of our native language as an invaluable heritage passed down from ancestors to generations.</p> Kurbanova Marguba Boltaevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 46 410 414 PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF IMPLEMENTING ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2507 <p>This article discusses fundamental approaches to the rational management of energy use at production facilities, where the principles of economics, management standards and characteristics of real energy consumption are integrated. These approaches provide a framework for the actions of management structures and employees, taking into account the socio-economic context and the elements that determine energy consumption. Therefore, the development of such key principles becomes critically important and requires a responsible approach at the initial stage of the development of an energy management system at the enterprise.</p> Khamdamova Gavhar Absamatovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 46 415 421 FACTORS AFFECTING INVESTMENT ACTIVITY OF BANKS AND WAYS TO IMPROVE THEM https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2508 <p>The article analyzes the improvement of investment activity of commercial banks. As an important indicator, the effects of other indicators of commercial banks on the funds of commercial banks for investment activities were analyzed through the correlation coefficient, and econometric modeling was carried out using the method of least squares. Conclusions and suggestions are given on the results of econometric modeling.</p> Ganiev Shakhriddin Vakhidovich Achilov Uygunjon Ulugbekovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 46 422 427 В ПРОЦЕССЕ УРОКОВ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА В ВУЗАХ ДУХОВНО-ЭТИЧЕСКИЕ ПРИНЦИПЫ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ОБЩЕСТВА И ЦЕННОСТИ https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2510 <p>В данной научной статье раскрываются морально-этические <br>принципы современного общества в технических вузах и <br>ценности. Человек, вошедший в общее культурное <br>пространство высшей школы, студент, целая нация, является <br>языком межэтнического общения и должен обладать <br>разными инструментами.</p> Тангриева Диловар Анваржоновна Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 46 428 430 Creation of effective financial management system against crisis in enterprises https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2511 <p>The article describes the general system of anti-crisis financial management in enterprises and its specific features. Due to the fact that the financial stability of enterprises is of crucial importance in the conditions of innovative development of the economy, a scheme for creating a general system of financial management against the crisis is proposed. Also, an anti-crisis financial management algorithm for the development of effective anti-crisis measures in the enterprise is presented. Based on this algorithm, the stages of ensuring financial stability are highlighted.</p> Latipova Shakhnoza Makhmudovna Hojimurodov Mehrdod Saidmurodovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 46 431 437 ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS IN ATTRACTING FOREIGN INVESTMENT https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2515 <p>The article discusses methods and forms of attracting foreign investments, the role of foreign investment in the development of the Uzbek economy, as well as proposals and concepts aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the investment environment and actively attracting foreign investments.</p> Kudratov Muhammad Rustamovich Jo‘Rayev Subxon Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 46 438 441 O’ZBEKISTONDA ISHSIZLIK MUAMMOSI VA UNI BARTARAF ETISH https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2516 <p>Oʻzbekistonda ishsizlik muammosini vujudga kelishi. O'zbekistonda necha foiz odam ishsiz. Ishsizlikni oldini olishga qaratilgan chora tadbirlar. Bandlikka ko’maklashuvchi markazlar. Bandlikka ko’maklashuvchi tashkilotlar aholini to’liq qoplay olyaptimi.</p> Sharapova Nigina Kadirovna Nizomov Muradjon Hamidjon o`g`li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 46 442 445 СУНЪИЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТНИНГ МОЛИЯВИЙ СЕРВИСЛАРГА ТАЪСИРИ: ИМКОНИЯТЛАР ВА ЧАҚИРИҚЛАР https://gospodarkainnowacje.pl/index.php/issue_view_32/article/view/2517 <p>Мақолада сунъий интеллектнинг молиявий сервисларга, финтех компанияларга ва мижозларга таъсири ўрганилган. Сунъий интеллектни молиявий сервисларга тадбиқ этиш орқали эришиладиган ижтимоий-иқтисодий фойдалари таҳлил қилинган.&nbsp; Сунъий интеллект технологиялари жумладан, машинавий ўрганиш, чатботлар, виртуал-ёрдамчилар ҳамда генератив сунъий интеллект молия соҳасида инқилобий ўзгаришларга олиб келди, қарор қабул қилиш жараёнларини тезлаштирди ва турли бизнес операцияларни автоматлаштирди. Мавжуд тадқиқотлар ва кейсларни чуқур таҳлили орқали молиявий сервисларга сунъий интеллектни қўллаш омиллари ва муаммоларини ўрганилди ҳамда молия институтларига ва стартапларига тавсиялар ишлаб чиқилди.</p> Қозоқов Шаҳбоз Ортиқбаевич Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 46 446 451